Fit / Unfit Notes Bag

100 & 500 sizes

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Product Information

Ask us about Fit / Unfit notes satchels

Fit/Unfit notes are purposefully crafted to streamline the organisation of cash for businesses, especially banks. These notes are tailored to facilitate efficient sorting and management of currency.


Comparison Table

  CC1723 Skim CC2026 A5 CC2834 A4 CC3847 A3 CB2442 Coin Bag BS1723 Skim BS2026 A5 BS2834 A4 BS3847 A3
storage size 170 x 230mm 200 x 260mm 280 x 340mm 380 x 470mm 238 x 280mm 170 x 230mm 200 x 260mm 280 x 340mm 380 x 470mm
film 80 micron 80 micron 80 micron 80 micron 110 micron 80 micron 80 micron 80 micron 80 micron
closure x-safe level 2 x-safe level 2 x-safe level 2 x-safe level 2,
scec available
x-safe level 2 x-safe level 2 x-safe level 2,
scec available
x-safe level 2,
scec available
x-safe level 2,
scec available
material pe plastic clear pe plastic clear pe plastic clear pe plastic clear special blended pe plastic clear pe plastic opaque white/grey pe plastic opaque white/grey pe plastic opaque white/grey pe plastic opaque white/grey
tear-off receipt no yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes
feature barcode barcode
denomination markings
barcode barcode barcode
denomination markings
barcode barcode barcode barcode
optional scec available scec available scec available scec available   scec available scec available scec available scec available
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